BVEP publishes its ‘Shape of Events’ Report

BVEP publishes its ‘Shape of Events’ Report

Press Releases Hits: 10240

The Business Visits & Events Partnership (BVEP), the umbrella body and advocacy group representing the UK events sector, has today published its Shape of Events Report.

The report was compiled using responses from over 300 professionals and organisations from across the UK events sector and authored by Richard Smith from Team Tourism Consulting and John Gallery, Chair of the BVEP’s Research Group.

The report was sponsored by brand communications agency davies tanner, and contains several headline findings, including:

Simon Hughes, Chair of the BVEP said; “This report shows both the devastating impact that the pandemic has wrought on the UK events industry over the past 18 months, but also how resilient and adaptive we have shown ourselves to be. Most importantly, our report shows the significant opportunities that can be there for all of us in the future, if we continue to work together as a single united industry, and that is something the BVEP will continue to encourage and facilitate.”

Sections of the report include an overview of the current landscape, the impacts felt due to the COVID-19 pandemic, insights into the road to recovery and building back better.

The report can be downloaded for free below:

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Notes to editors
For further information and to receive a copy of the Shape of Events Report, please contact Hollie Luxford on 07506 016507 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the BVEP
The Business Visits and Events Partnership’s (BVEP) vision is to support sustainable growth for the UK’s £70 billion UK Events Industry. BVEP’s mission is to support growth across the entire sector via advocacy, networking, collaboration and a collective voice.