EA Roundtable Discussion (Virtual) - Skills England: Key Priorities

Events Apprenticeships has made significant strides in promoting the value of apprenticeships within the events industry. As a volunteer-led, cross-industry initiative, we've successfully raised awareness among educators, influencers, and potential apprentices alike. To maintain this momentum, we must proactively engage with the evolving apprenticeship landscape.

The recent government announcement recognising the need for apprenticeship reform and the establishment of Skills England presents a crucial opportunity for our industry. To effectively navigate these changes and ensure the events sector's voice is heard, we propose convening a roundtable discussion.

Skills England is currently being set up as an arm’s length body which will recommend to government a list of courses/programmes that should be funded as part of the new Growth and Skills Levy as opposed to being a framework itself. Skills England will also take over what is currently the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

This gathering will bring together employers, training providers, and industry governing bodies to share insights, discuss potential outcomes, and develop a collective strategy to influence the Skills England review process.

Key priorities outlined by Skills England:

  1. Developing a comprehensive skills needs assessment
  2. Creating a flexible training system, and fostering collaboration
  3. Align with our industry's goals.

Our aim is to shape a future where the events industry benefits fully from the reformed apprenticeship system.

By actively participating in these discussions, we can ensure that the events sector is at the forefront of the new apprenticeship landscape.

Virtual roundtable registration:
Date: Thursday 26 September 2024
Time: 2-3pm
Link to register >> https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIufumurzMjGdyXyU0tanIc9zj7f_o5UHQs

Please can you have a think about what this might mean for your organisation, both as an employer when recruiting or developing a future apprenticeship programme.

Event Properties

Event Date 26-09-2024 2:00 pm
Event End Date 26-09-2024 3:00 pm
Location Webinar