TIER Brexit Update (16.12.2020)

Brexit transition update

Updated guidance for EU, EEA or Swiss citizens on crossing the UK border and visiting the UK from 1 January 2021.

Guidance has been updated on the ‘Visiting the UK from 1 January 2021’ section on gov.uk. Irish citizens will continue to be able to enter and live in the UK as they do now. EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will continue to be able to travel to the UK for holidays or short trips without needing a visa. They will be able to cross the UK border using a valid passport which should be valid for the whole time you are in the UK. They will not be able to use an EU, EEA or Swiss national ID card to enter the UK from 1 October 2021 unless they:

  • have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • have an EU Settlement Scheme family permit
  • have a frontier worker permit
  • are an S2 Healthcare Visitor
  • are a Swiss Service Provider

UK and US sign Customs agreement

The UK and US governments agreed a deal to continue Customs cooperation following EU Exit. Further details are available on gov.uk.