UKEVENTS Attends Secretary of State's Reception in Manchester

UKEVENTS Attends Secretary of State's Reception in Manchester

UKEVENTS, the umbrella organisation representing the UK Events Industry, was present at the Secretary of State's reception for key Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) stakeholders, held in Manchester on 31st July. Michael Hirst OBE, Lead for Advocacy & Government Relations at UKEVENTS, had the opportunity to speak with the newly appointed Secretary of State, Lisa Nandy.

Lisa Nandy delivered a speech focusing on her vision for growth and opportunities across the various sectors under DCMS. While her speech touched on a broad range of topics, including broadcasting and museums, yet there was a notable absence of specific mentions of tourism and events. Nonetheless, her remarks laid a foundation upon which the events sector can build to become more central to the department’s policy delivery.

UKEVENTS is excited to play a role in supporting the Secretary of State's policy objectives. The events industry is a key part of the creative and visitor economies, positively impacting economic prosperity, social transformation, community wellbeing, regional growth, and place-making solutions. Business, cultural, and sporting events help shape perceptions of Britain, fostering cultural exchanges, stimulating trade, regeneration, inward investment, and building a more equal society across the nation.

In a letter to the Secretary of State and the Minister for Tourism, UKEVENTS outlined their main requests, emphasising the importance of a cohesive and collaborative approach to the events economy:

1. Develop a comprehensive Nationwide Event Strategy: Similar to UK Sport and the Arts Council, to coordinate government resources across multiple departments and agencies together with the Event Industry resources.

  • Enhance the value of the UK's event offerings.
  • Attract more business to the UK, showcasing key industrial sectors and extending the visitor season nationwide.
  • Introduce incentives like those in TV and film production to encourage new events, particularly in regions and times of the year where additional demand is needed.
  • Stimulate regional growth and fill capacity during off-peak periods.


2. Tie major events with Government priorities:

  • Align major UK-held events with government priority sectors such as creative industries, science, innovation, technology, and cultural arts.
  • Collaborate with VisitBritain (and their Business Events Growth Programme) and various government departments, especially the Department of Business and Trade and the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology, to leverage events for increasing overseas visitors to the UK, boosting exports, inward investment, and soft power.

Michael Hirst OBE commented, “I had the opportunity to speak directly with the Secretary of State, and we are encouraged by the vision for growth and are eager to demonstrate how the events industry can contribute significantly to her objectives. We look forward to working closely with DCMS and the Rt. Hon. Lisa Nandy MP and the Rt. Hon Chris Bryant MP, who carries the tourism portfolio, to make these plans a reality. The events sector is crucial in driving economic and social growth, and we are ready to play a big part in supporting the government’s agenda.”

Further images from the event can be downloaded here -

Notes to editors 
For further information on UKEVENTS please contact Martin Fullard on 01892 617911 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UKEVENTS is the recognised and collective voice of our world leading events industry, which represents every part of a diverse, creative and dynamic sector across the whole of the UK and champions the economic, societal and transformational value of events. UKEVENTS’, formerly the Business Visits and Events Partnership’s (BVEP), role is to support the work of our partners to help create a strong and growing events industry. 

This industry comprises many diverse and individual sectors, covering meetings, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, incentive travel, event hospitality, ceremonies, sporting, cultural, outdoor and festivals as well as other services provided by the wider supply chain. Partners UKEVENTS exists to represent the interests of its partners, their members and the wider UK events industry. 

We are proud to represent the following organisations:
• ABPCO - Association of British Professional Conference Organisers
• AEME - Association for Events Management Education
• BADA – British Air Display Association
• Beam
• BTA - Business Travel Association
• Core Cities
• EIA - Events Industry Alliance (AEO, AEV, ESSA)
• EIF - Events Industry Forum
• EVCOM - Event & Visual Communications Association
• ICCA - International Congress & Convention Association
• London & Partners
• MIA - Meetings Industry Association
• NCASS – Nationwide Caterers Association
• NOEA - National Outdoor Events Association
• PCMA - Professional Convention Management Association
• PLASA - Professional Lighting and Sound Association
• PSA - Production Services Association
• TNI - Tourism Northern Ireland
• UVL - Unique Venues of London
• VisitBritain
• VisitScotland Business Events
• Visit Wales.