Event Industry Support Debate

Event Industry Support Debate

The Petitions Committee, which is the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system, is to debate a petition, signed by many in the industry, on “Government to offer economic assistance to the events industry during COVID-19”.

It will take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Thursday 25 June as part of a wider debate on petitions calling for support for UK industries in response to Covid-19.

The start time of the debate will depend on other parliamentary business, but you can follow the Petitions Committee on Twitter @HoCpetitions, where updates will be posted on when the debate is expected to start.

You can watch the debate live here: https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/a7b6db44-6101-42c7-b2a0-32abd08b80ef

A transcript will be published the following day here: https://hansard.parliament.uk