Briefing Note on Updated Roadmap Guidance for the Events Sector

Briefing Note on Updated Roadmap Guidance for the Events Sector

The Business Visits & Events Partnership (BVEP) have been working with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) to clarify the situation regarding the conditions under which events can operate from the 17th May & 21st June and have provided the following update to both Step 3 and Step 4 of the Governments Re-Opening Roadmap.


The precise wording in the Government’s Reopening Roadmap for Step 3 – which is no earlier than the 17th May, is: “In all sectors, COVID-Secure guidance will remain in place and premises must not cater for groups larger than the legal limits. Sectors which will reopen include: Some large events, including conferences, theatre and concert performances and sports events. Controlled indoor events of up to 1,000 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower, will be permitted, as will outdoor events with a capacity of either 50% or 4,000 people, whichever is lower. In addition, pilots will run as part of the Events Research Programme to examine how such events can take place without the need for social distancing using other mitigations such as testing.”

“The Government will bring the findings from across different sectors and different settings to determine a consistent approach to lifting restrictions on these events. Depending on the outcome of this work, the Government hopes to be able to lift restrictions on these events and sectors as part of Step 4.”

This implies there will still be social distancing and other interventions for events which run from no earlier than the 17th May.


The guidance relating to Step 4, which is no earlier than the 21st June, states, “With appropriate mitigations in place, by Step 4, the Government aims to: a. Remove all legal limits on social contact, publishing accompanying guidance on how best to reduce the risk of transmission and protect ourselves and loved ones; b. Reopen the remaining closed settings, including nightclubs and enable large events, including theatre performances, above the Step 3 capacity restrictions, subject to the outcome of the scientific Events Research Programme and potentially using testing to reduce the risk of infection, subject to further evaluation; and c. Remove all limits on weddings and other life events, subject to the outcome of the scientific Events Research Programme.”

Therefore, the degree of relaxation of social distancing and other non-pharmaceutical interventions will be determined by the pilot test events to be held during April, with the results incorporated into the Step 3 & 4 reopening guidance.

On this basis, all organisations operating within the events sector are strongly advised to ensure their customers, staff and suppliers are aware of the possibility of continuing restrictions after reopening.


Notes to editors
For further information on BVEP please contact Hollie Luxford on 07506 016507 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the BVEP
The Business Visits and Events Partnership’s (BVEP) vision is to support sustainable growth for the UK’s £70 billion UK Events Industry. BVEP’s mission is to support growth across the entire sector via advocacy, networking, collaboration and a collective voice.

BVEP’s objectives are to:

  • Operate an umbrella organisation to represent, promote and further the interest of member organisations involved in the United Kingdom Events Industry.
  • Advance the interests, standing, quality, sustainability and growth of the United Kingdom Events’ Industry/
  • Seek greater collaboration across the Events’ Industry sectors on common issues.
  • Forge close links with Government departments, including devolved Governments where possible via representation that can influence favourable policies towards the Industry. In particular, maintain strong relationships with key sponsoring departments, DCMS, DIT and BEIS.
  • Seek a stronger link with the Creative Industries and other related sectors.
  • Encourage joint events.
  • Increase the focus on professionalism and skills development.

BVEP Partners
• ABPCO (Association of British Professional Conference Organisers)
• AEME (Association for Events Management Education)
• Business Travel Association
• Core Cities
• Events Industry Alliance (AEO, AEV, ESSA)
• Events Industry Forum
• EMA (Event Marketing Association)
• EVCOM (Event & Visual Communications Association)
• HBAA (Hotel Booking Agents Association)
• ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association)
• IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus)
• London & Partners
• Meetings Industry Association
• Meet in Ireland
• NOEA (National Outdoor Events Association)
• PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association)
• PLASA (Professional Lighting and Sound Association)
• PSA (Production Services Association)
• Tourism Northern Ireland
• Unique Venues of London
• VisitBritain
• Visit Wales
• VisitScotland Business Events