BVEP Calls on Industry for Contributions for 'Shape of Events to Come' Report

BVEP Calls on Industry for Contributions for 'Shape of Events to Come' Report

The Business Visits & Events Partnership (BVEP) is seeking contributions from businesses and organisations across the events sector for its upcoming report, ‘The Shape of Events to Come,’ which it plans to launch next month.

The report will provide an overview of the pandemic’s impact on the events sector; the road to recovery – focusing on what the sector needs to do in the short term and the support it requires; and building back better – the future of the events sector in the longer term – the opportunities and challenges it faces.

BVEP has already started gathering insights from its partners but is also encouraging other businesses and organisations to contribute and identify the changes that have emerged due to the pandemic. Other content for ‘The Shape of Events to Come’ will be based on existing plans, policies and research.

Simon Hughes, Chair, BVEP said: “We need to understand the impact of the pandemic on the sector, identify the plans that the industry has, what changes have emerged due to the pandemic, what might shape policy and the future role of events in a global Britain through the use of events as part of its soft power to grow domestic and international opportunities.”

The study seeks to identify business pivot examples, the impact to the supply chain, the increased use of online/broadcast/hybrid events, loss of talent, development of skills, use of government support packages, impact on the visitor economy in urban and rural economies and the changing nature of meetings and events.

“Case studies that demonstrate the future of events will be very welcome as we look to the emergence of a new vision for events. To build back better, there has never been a more important time for increased collaboration and representation across the industry to influence future policy. This study should provide evidence to underpin the sector’s importance as part of the government’s future priority economic sectors” added Hughes.

Data for the study has been pledged by BVEP Partners, VisitBritain, various national and regional destination management organisations, DCMS, BEIS and several universities, such as Bournemouth, with event management programmes in their curriculum. The report is being prepared by Richard Smith of Team Tourism with support from John Gallery, chairman of the BVEP research group.

To contribute to the report, visit:

The deadline for contributions is midnight on 24th May 2021.


Notes to editors
For further information on the report please contact: John Gallery, chairman of BVEP Research Group. Tel: 07967 032623 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Richard Smith, Team Tourism. Tel: 07796 543173 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the BVEP
The Business Visits and Events Partnership’s (BVEP) vision is to support sustainable growth for the UK’s £70 billion UK Events Industry. BVEP’s mission is to support growth across the entire sector via advocacy, networking, collaboration and a collective voice.

BVEP’s objectives are to:

  • Operate an umbrella organisation to represent, promote and further the interest of member organisations involved in the United Kingdom Events Industry
  • Advance the interests, standing, quality, sustainability and growth of the United Kingdom Events’ Industry
  • Seek greater collaboration across the Events’ Industry sectors on common issues
  • Forge close links with Government departments, including devolved Governments where possible via representation that can influence favourable policies towards the Industry. In particular, maintain strong relationships with key sponsoring departments, DCMS, DIT and BEIS
  • Seek a stronger link with the Creative Industries and other related sectors
  • Encourage joint events
  • Increase the focus on professionalism and skills development.

BVEP Partners:
• ABPCO (Association of British Professional Conference Organisers)
• AEME (Association for Events Management Education)
• Business Travel Association
• Core Cities
• Events Industry Alliance (AEO, AEV, ESSA)
• Events Industry Forum
• EMA (Event Marketing Association)
• EVCOM (Event & Visual Communications Association)
• HBAA (Hotel Booking Agents Association)
• ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association)
• IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus)
• London & Partners
• Meetings Industry Association
• Meet in Ireland
• NOEA (National Outdoor Events Association)
• PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association)
• PLASA (Professional Lighting and Sound Association)
• PSA (Production Services Association)
• Tourism Northern Ireland
• Unique Venues of London
• VisitBritain
• Visit Wales
• VisitScotland Business Events