HBAA supports CBI call for action

HBAA supports CBI call for action

“HBAA strongly believes that every industry hit by staff shortages should unite to press the government for visa flexibility, “says Juliet Price, Consultant Executive Director of HBAA, when announcing the association’s support for a Confederation of British Industries (CBI) call to relax Brexit immigration rules to address this issue.

HBAA was also one of the signatories of a recent letter from the Event Industry Forum to the Prime Minister asking for a temporary ease of immigration requirements for this reason.
Juliet Price continued: “HBAA has been highlighting for many years that the UK’s reputation for high quality service in the meetings and events sector was in danger unless the imminent shortage of trained staff was addressed with government support.

“Now our industry is one of many to be facing major threats to service delivery as the powerful combination of Brexit, lockdown, furlough and travel restrictions has created a harsh reality. Attraction and recruitment of new talent is becoming tougher and coupled twith experienced staff leaving to work in other sectors, the issue is compounded.

“HBAA believes that, like the Event Industry Forum, every industry sector should not only support the CBI but also directly call on the government for short-term flexibility on visa conditions to allow EU based staff back to fill some of the vacancies.”



Notes to editors

HBAA is the trade association for the Meetings, Events and Accommodation Industry.
Driven by leaders, united by collaboration and representing £70bn* spend into the UK economy. Spearheading representation to government and policymakers, elevating a sector voice, championing change and sustainable economic health.
HBAA drives, promotes and models good business between its members. It champions best practice, ethical working and sound commercial judgment, making HBAA membership the mark of quality assurance for the sector.
*source BVEP events report 2020

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