AEME Open Letter to Government

AEME Open Letter to Government

Dear colleagues,
The Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE), working in partnership with The Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) and The Association for Events Management Education (AEME) have produced an Open Letter to government which responds to policy changes affecting Further and Higher Education in the UK.

The letter, which highlights the importance and value of tourism, hospitality and events to the economy, sets out six points which we are asking Government to consider. We would like to ask colleagues to sign and support this letter, and to share it more widely.

The Letter can be found here -

If you could share this letter with your networks, we will, once we have a reasonable number of signatures, circulate this to DCMS, BEIS, DfE and our media contacts and other stakeholders. This activity will be a precursor to the October conference.

Best regards,

Adrian Bossey
Chair of AEME
Head of Business & Experience Design
Cornwall Business School
Faculty of Business & Design at Falmouth University