Ambitious plans to grow the economy and boost creative industries

Ambitious plans to grow the economy and boost creative industries

New plans to maximise the potential of the UK creative industries and grow the economy have been set out by the government on 13th June 2023.

  • Government’s plan to grow the creative industries by £50bn and support a million more jobs by 2030, with £77m of new funding for the sector announced
  • Advanced screen and performance technology research labs to be based in Yorkshire, Dundee, Belfast and Buckinghamshire
  • £50m to support more regional creative clusters, plus extra cash for music venues, video games studios, London Fashion Week and the next generation of British music talent
  • Plans to build a pipeline of skills and talent through new creative careers promise.

Read full press release on here

Read DCMS Full 'Creative Industries Sector Vision: A joint plan to drive growth, build talent and develop skills' here.