VisitBritain - Ambassadors Reception

Article first published on The Iceberg (here).

VisitBritain Business Events convened many of its destination ambassadors at the Institute of Directors in Central London to celebrate the role they play in securing international events to Britain. And it became abundantly clear how intrinsic these professional leaders have become in advancing research and development, social and environmental impact, and job creation derived as legacies of these events.


“Academic and professional ambassadors are critical to securing events for Britain”, Paul Black.

Speaking to The Iceberg, Mike Morrissey of the European Cancer Organisation and President of ESAE (European Society of Association Executives) praised the commitment of ambassadors to their chosen professions. “Let them be passionate about their subject. Let them do your work for you because they know the mission [of the organisation], they have the networks and professional relationships required to secure events,” he said.