NOEA Launches Respect Campaign at Annual Convention

NOEA Launches Respect Campaign at Annual Convention

The National Outdoor Events Association has launched a new campaign to encourage better treatment of staff, volunteers and attendees of events. The new campaign, simply branded ‘Respect’, will include a Respect Charter that events-based organisations can sign up to. The aim is for events businesses to demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to harassment of any kind while at an event.

NOEA has developed an open source slogan, for use by any organisation looking to sign up to the charter, as a sign to all attendees, staff and contractors that the event will not tolerate harassment of any kind. As part of signing up to the campaign, the branding can be supported by poster templates and also guidance on staff training and how to deal with complaints.

“Whether we like it or not, harassment is part and parcel with working on, and attending, major events, both as staff members, volunteers, and often attendees,” comments Becky Stevens, Founder of Hybred Events and NOEA Council Member. “It’s something that happens all too frequently and just isn’t acceptable. This campaign is about the industry coming together to show a zero-tolerance approach to it, and hopefully stamp it out.”

The Respect campaign was launched at the NOEA Annual Convention in November 2019, with the Charter to be developed in partnership with the industry. The association is also working with the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, who are keen to work closely with the campaign and its ambitions.

“The Equalities and Human Rights Commission are also delighted with the Respect campaign and are convening a working group on the project. They are also working with us to pull together a simple guidance pack for organisation’s signing up to the charter,” continued Becky. “There are already some really great examples of events who look to address the respect of its people, massively reducing the number of reported incidents. This campaign can be a real support for those looking to do more.”

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