IMPORTANT NOTICE - POSTPONED: The Business of Events Senior Leadership Forum

IMPORTANT NOTICE - POSTPONED: The Business of Events Senior Leadership Forum

As you are aware, the situation around COVID-19 has been evolving rapidly over recent days, and we are conscious that delegates and speakers are preparing to travel from across the UK to attend The Business of Events Senior Leadership Forum on Tuesday. We are also very mindful that we have a number of government officials and Ministers due to attend, at a time when their focus and resources are urgently needed elsewhere.

After consulting closely with government, partners and stakeholders, we have taken the difficult, but we believe appropriate decision, to postpone the Forum until the position becomes clearer.

While this is disappointing, we also believe we should focus our efforts on using TBOE to support the recovery efforts when that time comes, which we all hope is very soon.

Thank you for your understanding and support, and on behalf of everyone involved with TBOE, we wish you good health.

See you on the other side.

First published at