HBAA's comments on the Chancellor's announcement 12 May

HBAA's comments on the Chancellor's announcement 12 May

“The job retention scheme extension has prevented thousands of redundancies in this industry at the end of June - but further support is essential for the sector’s survival”

“The extension of the job retention scheme to the end of October, without change until the end of July, will save thousands of jobs in the events, hospitality and travel industry as many staff would have been made redundant at the end of June. The industry would have been decimated.

“Almost half of the HBAA’s agent and venue members who responded to our survey this week said that they would have had to make at least 50 per cent of their staff redundant at the end of June if the scheme had not been extended.

“We’re delighted to hear that from August there will be flexibility and the scheme will allow workers to resume part time to help businesses get going again. This is crucial for our recovery.

“We welcome this extension wholeheartedly but, as this industry will be one of the last to be trading fully again, not until next year, businesses in the sector will need every assistance to survive – commercial rent relief, support for sole traders and those who take dividends as part of their income, plus the continuation of Business Rates Relief and the Business Interruption Loans Scheme are essential.

"Of course, this extension must go hand-in-hand with noticeable industry recovery, otherwise we will find ourselves in the same situation at the end of the time.

“We want to #GetBritainMeeting, to ensure that the Government fully understands what powerful role this £70bn industry plays in the UK economy; and we will continue to work hard with other industry associations to gain the financial support we need for its continued existence.”



HBAA, the trade association for the hotel booking agency, apartment and venue community, has more than 300-member organisations including over 80 agency and 225 venue members who work collaboratively in the accommodation, meetings and events sector.

HBAA drives, promotes and models good business between its members. It champions best practice, ethical working and sound commercial judgement, making HBAA membership the mark of quality assurance for the sector. It operates a Code of Practice which assures best practice between agents, hotels and venues.

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