VisitBritain launch new business events campaign: Events. Reimagined.

VisitBritain launch new business events campaign: Events. Reimagined.

VisitBritain have launched their new international recovery campaign, ‘Events. Reimagined’, as part of their international hosted buyer partnership with The Meetings Show.

With such enormous upheaval recently, the events industry will see innovation and change unlike ever before. The new ‘Reimagine’ campaign is to help buyers creatively reimagine the future of events here in the UK, and take this opportunity to reboot, refresh and reimagine their future events. It will inspire the buyers with how the UK is creatively adapting to the new normal in business events and reenergises the industry to meet again in new, innovative ways. We will be helping planners reimagine the future business events and incentives here in the UK.

Watch the new brand video: