HBAA - 'At last the Chancellor has given us clear longer term information at an earlier stage so that the industry can plan ahead'

HBAA - 'At last the Chancellor has given us clear longer term information at an earlier stage so that the industry can plan ahead'

Juliet Price, Consultant Executive Director, HBAA commented; “At last the Chancellor has given us clear longer term information at an earlier stage so that the industry can plan ahead and not just wait with uncertainty until the end of lockdown.

“Yes, it would have been better to have had this available and announced before many jobs were lost and businesses jeopardised. However, added to the news today that the revised guidance allows ‘necessary’ meetings for less than 30 to continue being held at permitted venues in England, we now have positive steps forward for many business events and meetings companies, their staff, and the self-employed.

“Additionally, it was a welcome relief to see special mention of the events industry sector in the government’s instruction to local authorities when distributing the discretionary funding pot. We need every possible support to keep all the talented people in our industry, including training them to work on hybrid and virtual meetings until major live events can begin again.”




HBAA, is an association that represents the interests of over 100 agencies and 225 hotel, venue and services apartment organisations. Its members are all specialists in the business events, accommodation and meetings sector.

HBAA drives, promotes and models good business between its members. It champions best practice, ethical working and sound commercial judgement, making HBAA membership the mark of quality assurance for the sector. It operates a Code of Practice which assures best practice between agents, hotels and venues.

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