One Industry One Voice - Updates (03.12.2020)

One Industry One Voice - Updates (03.12.2020)

After a huge amount of work, the launch of the latest industry campaign is set for Monday 7th December. We Create Experiences is targeting businesses to remind them of how essential events and experiences are as part of their internal and external marketing and communication. We will be back in 2021 - so we are reminding them now that they need to include events in their planning. Your support and advocacy is critical - so please see the update below for full details of how you can get involved. Many thanks in advance for your help.

#wecreateexperiences updates:

  • Big push dependent on us being able to make that noise internally, before we get going for the 7th December external activation
  • Social drive coming this week with teaser social media posts: recent B2B and industry survey results & associated industry press articles/webinars – some topline examples:
  • Celeb video teasers incoming across OIOV SM channels this week - ensure you are following & sharing when they come through…
  • Harvey Goldsmith, Tom Kerridge, Jonny Wilkinson, David Gower, Director of Macmillan Cancer Support, CEO of Spinal Injuries Association, CEO of Rugby League World Cup 2021 posted – 206,504 post impressions, and had 61,524 post engagements, of which 56,685 are video views
  • Major Events Summit headline support and opening session with RS/SH and Martin F on 2nd December:
  • #wecreateexperiences Main video exclusively released including key high profile personalities from sport, showbiz, music, charities showcased in the opening session
  • This main campaign video being released on WCE website and OIOV SM channels alongside national and all main UK regional media coverage on Monday 7th December
  • Mash Media webinar session with Martin Fullard on OIOV and WCE - 3rd December
  • Also, at the end of this update, the results of WCE B2B survey which over 50+ global brands contributed to – some interesting stats and insight.
  • OIOV also commissioned a huge industry survey which had circa 2000 respondants, which had approx. 80 questions for each person so a huge amount of rich data received – BVEP and PSA are collating that data currently, but please see a few key results also at the end of this update.


#wecreateexperiences - One Day One Message engagement – 7th December B2B launch day

We need to remind decision makers who book events of the importance of live event experiences and the value they bring to their businesses, encouraging them to look ahead to 2021 and commit to planning and budgeting for events. What better way to do that than through impactful, memorable imagery and video?

What we need from you for #wecreateexperiences B2B launch on Monday 7th December:

1. One Day One Message engagement

  • Find an image or a short video clip (max 60 seconds & landscape sized) of your favourite and proudest experiences that you’ve helped to create. Please ensure you have the rights to share this content on your own social media accounts or your credit the relevant source.
  • It can be from an awards ceremony, a product launch or brand activation, a trade show, conference, exhibition, or charity fundraiser – any business event that has created a memorable experience for a client. If you’ve made an event happen in 2020, even better!
  • Create a post that includes your image and/or video, as well as the #wecreateexperiences hashtag and any others you would like to include and a tag to the relevant OIOV channel linked below.
  • On the 7th December, please share your posts on any or all of your social media channels - LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Do get your friends, family, colleagues and clients to engage and reshare your posts once they’re live!
  • Your efforts will make a difference and will help to inspire 2021 events & restore confidence in other industry professionals and decision makers. Please get sharing, tagging, reassuring and inspiring!

Our channels:

If you need help uploading your social media posts, just let us know @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

B2B Activation Example Posts*

LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook
This year was challenging for us all, but it was particularly frustrating for me not seeing the annual [include event of choice] taking place.

[Give insight into mentioned event] - Last month, we should have seen over [number of people] pass through the doors of the [location] to share industry insight, network with their peers, and learn from colleagues about [topic of event]. Instead, the [location] lay empty, and while we did have a fantastic [virtual/socially distanced] event, we simply cannot forget that nothing beats face-to-face and physical engagement with our friends and colleagues.

This is why I'm supporting @oneindustryonevoice and the #WeCreateExperiences campaign in its mission to bring back live experiences for the good of our industry, for the good of our people, and for the return to a sense of normality after such an unprecedented year.

Join us today and share your own throwbacks to last year's event using the hashtag #WeCreateExperiences.

#WeCreateExperiences #OneIndustryOneVoice #ProjectRecovery #EventsIndustry #EventsProfs #Events #Experiences #EventProduction #EventPlanning #BusinessEvents #WeMakeEvents #LetTheMusicPlay #WhatAboutWeddings #SaveNightLife #SaveLiveComedy”

Today, I'm supporting @1IndustryVoice and the #WeCreateExperiences campaign in its mission to bring back live experiences for the good of our industry, society and economy.

This year was challenging, but it was particularly frustrating for me not delivering [event].

2. We also have a #wecreateexperiences email signature (attached), which would be great if on the 7th December you could use for one day all day – please ask your IT dept to help!


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