One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (18.01.2021)

One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (18.01.2021)

The OIOV Taskforce has met twice this year already – and in line with the national mood the focus has been trying to ensure that when the current lockdowns operating across the UK are lifted, we are ready to push for clear start dates and the support required to re-build the shattered UK events industry.

Specific OIOV initiatives discussed included the follow up to the mental health and well being messaging delivered around the Christmas period with an update on the launch of the Mental Health First Aider courses and the objective to roll out the training industry wide. The first cohort has been recruited and will be starting their 2 day training this week. Some PR on this will go out on 20th January in conjunction with a piece on the events and mental wellbeing from behavioural psychologist Professor John Drury from University of Sussex.
Actions from the first 2021 meeting included getting support for the Reinsurance Open letter to Government that was delivered last week and ensuring that everyone was aware of the second Round of Cultural Relief Fund and associated webinars from various sources supporting applicants.

The other key issues discussed included:

The need to review the delivery timetable for all the different recovery plans that are being developed (such as the Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality, Festivals, Music, Outdoor etc) – and collating these so that we ensure all the relevant sectors are covered in good time for submission. It was agreed that we need to understand that we will not all restart at the same time but a clear strategy for re-opening across the various sectors would be incredibly helpful.

An evidence session of the (All Party Parliamentary Group) APPG for this morning (18th Jan 11.30am) has been arranged with strong representation from across both BVEP partners and OIOV supporters. A pre-meeting of the contributors was subsequently organised and we’ll be feeding back on the outcomes in our next update.
Key asks include need to have an exit strategy and phased safe return, as well as economic support strategy that extends beyond March 21.

On the campaign updates Michael Kill from NTIA identified the Not In My Name campaign that they are launching in response to illegal events taking place and creating entirely the wrong impression of organised, legal events.

WeCreateExperiences (WCE)
The B2B campaign is posting daily pieces across the social media challenges last week and this week, and then the focus begins to build on the planning for the B2C campaign – the Action Group for this had its kickoff meeting on Wednesday 13th Jan, with leading representatives from the experiential and brand experiences, mass participation sport/charity fundraising sector, music, night time sector, festivals, outdoor events and weddings.

It focused on a few key basic foundation elements for the campaign to build around. Timing on activating is clearly key to its success, in conjunction with the media, government and public sentiment, covid and vaccination figures all contributing to the right level of confidence and buy-in to the positive messaging.

Key Messages:

1. Vast majority of the industry is suffering as not being understood. We are experts in delivering organised audiences safely.
2. Highlight the benefits of wellbeing, mental health, communities, societies as a whole
3. Reiterate the power of sharing live experiences and the events industry expertise behind it to inspire, celebrate + support society

WCE B2C plans for further development:

1. Messaging/calls to action

• Share what events you want to attend in 2021/participate + who you want to share it with
• Can we structure the call to action in such a way as to garner large numbers of "something" or info, to help us with our parallel lobbying efforts with DCMS?
• Drive more on emotion rather than being bogged down in stats
• Glastonbury potential cancellation- shake the confidence of people massively/the whole festival market- talking about this leads to a dead end so focus on positives/other aspects to enjoy that would take place
• Consumer Market Authority guidance - travel + weddings industry specific e.g. around refunds
• Reinforce compliance

2. PR campaign & timings

• Spokesperson to speak around insurance imminent announcement re festivals etc when it comes, to put out comments + demonstrate that other events will go ahead if outcome is negative?
• Timing is critical- “book now, take part when you can.” No one can tell us now when the timing is a go ahead but if we start planning for when things get better, the government will want to start promoting positive aspects so that we can be ready to push the button quickly when the tide does turn.
• Different reopening schedules across this + being aware of this

3. Content/assets

• Ask key sports/weddings/charity/music rights holders of “license free” money shots showcasing their headline events
• Review stats/data e.g missed events, attendance, demand, value

4. High profile supporters and diversity focus

• Want celebs/high profile individuals to buy in to it and have confidence – use this time wisely in preparation over the coming weeks to be ready to reach out to these individuals

5. In the coming weeks more leading representatives from relevant sectors will be asked to join the campaign effort and the subgroups to support planning/activation

6. Additional PR JG funding from wider sectors/new supporters & associations (B2C)


• CRF Round 2 Seminar: