APPG for Events Evidence Session Held

APPG for Events Evidence Session Held

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Events (APPG) today held its first formal Evidence Session for the current Parliament.

Chaired by the Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP, Chair of the APPG, and attended by a number of MP’s, including several APPG Vice Chairs and Officers, the session heard evidence from a mixture of representatives from across the events sector, including; Simon Hughes - Business Visits & Events Partnership, Jane Longhurst - Meetings Industry Association, Chris Skeith - Association of Event Organisers, Susan Tanner – National Outdoor Events Association, Steve Heap – Events Industry Forum and Rick Stainton – One Industry One Voice.

There were also several Observers in attendance, including Michael Hirst OBE – Events Industry Board, Neil Brownlee – Scottish Events Industry Advisory Group and Jill Manley, Event Wales Industry Advisory Group.

A senior spokesperson for the APPG said; “We were extremely grateful for the time given by the event sector representatives in presenting their evidence to the APPG today, which was both very valuable and highly compelling. There is no doubt that the events sector needs further support, both to survive the challenges of the next few months, but also to ensure a swift and sustained recovery, and we look forward to working with the industry in partnership to achieve this.”

Notes on the session will be published on the APPG website later in the week via

Further information or questions can be obtained via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the industry can follow further developments and updates from the official APPG for Events twitter feed @appgevents.

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For further information, please contact Hollie Luxford at davies tanner
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Founded in 2011, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Events (APPG) is a cross party group made up of members from both Houses of Parliament, and acts as the industry’s voice in Westminster. The APPG conducts Parliamentary enquiries, holds debates and engages with various Ministers and departments. The APPG has been credited with the events industry establishing far stronger links with both Parliament and Government in recent years.