One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (24.01.2021)

One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (24.01.2021)

Latest OIOV Taskforce meeting shared feedback from the APPG for Events session that was held last week. BVEP overview of the state of the industry was followed by contributions from the MIA on meetings and conferences, AEO on exhibitions and trade shows and the outdoor and festival sector with NOEA and EIF. The One Industry One Voice contribution included how valuable it was to have the brand and experiential agency community actively involved in the unique cross industry effort represented by OIOV.

It also reinforced its view that business events could be represented better by BEIS dept rather than DCMS in future, bearing in mind 99% of their content and objectives are evolving business relationships, presenting enterprising new sustainable strategies, launching innovative products and supporting skills development…. – its definition of a dept is: Building a stronger, greener future by fighting coronavirus, tackling climate change, unleashing innovation and making the UK a great place to work and do business.

Other specific asks raised in the meeting included recognising the economic impact events create on a local and national level, why additional and tailored support will be required to accommodate the extended lockdown that appears to be developing as well as supporting the long planning cycles involved in many types of events.

Full notes from the meeting will be made available on the APPG for Events website this week.

APPG for Events 18th January – please see press release and link to APPG website for meeting content -

Last week also saw the launch of the OIOV Mental Health First Aider project, with the first cohort undertaking a 2 day training programme. OIOV see this as an important legacy initiative and will be working with other associations and organisations running similar schemes to ensure that the UK event industry supports the wide range of mental health training available in these challenging times.

As usual the meeting shared latest submissions made to government including the BVEP budget submission and another prepared for the Covid Recovery Commission.

WhataboutWeddings reported back on their Please Stand social campaign, which ran over the weekend before the wedding Taskforce met with BEIS to review progress.

We Make Events updated on support being provided via benevolent fund raising.

The working groups on insurance and testing also updated on latest developments. The OIOV Taskforce meets again this week.

OIOV has also been invited to the APPG Business in Covid – Tuesday 26th January – this meeting allows OIOV to reach a further wider network of MPs and discuss with them the industry’s challenges and needs to recover and thrive into the future - OIOV Founder Rick Stainton and lead Simon Hughes will be delivering one of the main presentations in a 20 minute slot.

#wecreateexperiences - B2B campaign

There have been daily posts covering charity, sport and mental health content, as well as pushing the newly launched Mental Health First Aid courses campaign – please see across the SM channels in case you missed them.

As B2C starts becoming more into focus, PR opps are beginning to be seized on:

ITV Coverage – (DO NOT SHARE AS PERMISSION PENDING)- OIOV put this together last week:
BBC Radio 2 – Jeremy Vine focused on events for first 25 mins of his show on Friday 22nd Jan – we placed OIOV Taskforce Ambassador Nick Morgan, Chair of Association of Independent Festivals in prime spot for interview – great coverage and OIOV name check. - starts at 8 min 30 secs in -

#wecreateexperiences - WCE B2C Campaign plan:

• Solidify our messaging e.g. the journey of hope and phased returning to live events

• Responsibility to plan and collate all assets, content etc and be primed for activation but activation in early/mid Feb is clearly now not really a realistic possibility. We have got to make sure there is credibility associated with this, in the sensitivity of timing.

• Therefore we aim to demonstrate a staggered promotion underlining the journey both the industry and the consumer are on as different sectors in various formats begin to re-open, showcasing what could happen e.g. smaller shows, weddings and a sensitivity to areas that cannot happen in short term (larger shows)

• So we plan to build on the campaign looking at sector specific activations in March/April/May inspiring attendance/bookings celebrating the hero events of return as an industry - building up momentum and confidence of progressive attendance opportunities as they become reality

• This is of course all subject to prevailing macro situation, gov guidelines, Tiers, national sentiment etc

• Weddings & Charity/Mass Participation Sport - strong push as likely earliest openers
• Followed by smaller outdoor/festivals pushing forward
• Then longer term ambition and expectation for the larger events

Initial ‘work in progress’ for the Action Group is looking and solidifying the base message and calls to action:

Key messages:
- We are global experts in managing organised audiences for safe, responsible experiences
- Showcase on this and install confidence to attend as events come online - with clear guidelines to follow so we can deliver these events.
- Reiterate the Power/Impact of sharing live experiences and the events industry expertise behind it – to Inspire, Celebrate, Support Society
- Highlight the positive benefits to mental and physical wellbeing, communities and society/economy as whole.

Teaser lead up to main activations – looking at feasibility of fly on wall SM channels takeover of organisers from charity/mass participation and/or festival/music event to showcase team, the lead up work, the planning leading to execution.

Consumer call to action:
Share what event(s) you want to attend/participate into 2021 and who do you want to share it with (tagged in). ‘What one event are you most looking forward to?’
SM post with hashtag to sign up to compliance of `bio measures’ – ‘I will play my part’ to ensure event is kept safe.
Book now – help us to deliver your experiences – ‘You have to be there’.

So lots of dynamic elements in play but ever changing in this fluid environment – we remain focused on delivering the best representation of our industry to the media, government and customer audience.
We are also starting to look at the longer term legacy and mission for OIOV as the recovery pans out over the year – more on that and how you could become involved, help design and support OIOV’s lead role in the fundamentally evolved industry make-up we are all shaping….