One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (1 Feb 2021)

One Industry One Voice - wecreateexperiences campaign update (1 Feb 2021)

Long Term: Many supporters have been suggesting a need to look further into the idea of OIOV and how we continue and develop as an organisation/Taskforce into the recovery era, which we hope is coming onto the horizon soon.

The work to date has stayed true to the mandate you all gave us as Founding supporters (as outlined on our website) and understandably evolved as the ever changing fast paced situation we are all dealing with has thrown up unforeseen challenges and opportunities - there is a clear will for this to be built upon for the future - however this is big piece of work and clearly there needs to be a lot of insight and contributions from all different sectors in the coming months to get it right, whatever it may end up being.

So we will be initiating this over the coming weeks balanced with the urgent tasks in front of us right now to help the industry survive and start to recover – more to follow shortly - It will need your input, ideas and observations because these are invaluable to evolve the existing cross industry mandate we have, and continue to develop in the most transparent, communicative and representative manner as we always strive to do.

OIOV updates:

APPG for Business in Covid – OIOV was invited to represent the industry as this session last week focused on the events sector – Rick presented similar content to what was presented at the APPG for Events the week before, highlighting the importance of all sectors of the industry linking in with OIOV to offer a clear holistic perspective and industry overview.

He also presented the main points from across the key associations that delivered at the APPG for Events (MIA, AEO, EIF/NOEA), supplemented by some longer term positive recommendations on the need for a better export and international market strategy to ensure the UK events industry remains competitive versus its international rivals agencies/destinations, clear distinction between social/mass gatherings and the organised audiences the events industry are experts in managing and finally a BEIS enhanced inclusion in Business Events sector engagement - all positive proposals for the wider events industry to benefit from long term – the feedback from MPs was supportive and they demonstrated a will to listen and further explore various elements, as a follow up APPG meeting and direct MP follow ups on some of the specific points made are planned for the coming weeks. OIOV Taskforce will be updated accordingly and next steps of engagement agreed accordingly.

MHFA course – the first 10 people have completed the course and feedback v positive and the next 10 start imminently – continued funding is obviously required to support these courses for the benefit of the wider industry so please help if you can and contact Paul Jones, Simon or Rick (details on OIOV website page)

Cross gov dept scientific engagement - Chief Scientific Advisor to BEIS and separate one to DCMS giving different updates and projections on the unwinding of lockdown and timing on a recovery plan being cooked up by Boris and Rishi - so we will aim to get a cross dept meeting for events to get the complete picture and clarity on thinking on this and perhaps also how the Pilot events programme restart dovetails into this.

WCE B2C update:
The overriding messages and call to actions of the campaign have been agreed and timing for activation remains fluid, but is potentially forecasted for early March onwards – a more definitive timing schedule of teaser activity into the main promotion activities across national, regional print and broadcast as well as social media will become clearer alongside the macro situation, vaccines, R number etc.
We are now starting to collate content and assets, high profile ambassadors, thought leadership pieces and the related comms strategy in conjunction with the PR agency PHA - More info on the plans and calls to action for all of you to follow shortly as the project develops.

One ask is if you are involved in any planned events across any UK region into the summer you feel may actually happen, please let us know as any such projects that can be showcased with bio security protocols in place as they would be very useful to incorporate into our assets and comms – please let Simon and I know as and when you can – thank you.

That’s it for now but we continue to work alongside all our campaigns and associations partners looking out for each other, aligning on internal and external comms and working hard to deliver the best outcomes for our industry into a recovery at the earliest opportunity.