HBAA partners with Brightspace Events to provide  COVID Secure Training for meetings and events

HBAA partners with Brightspace Events to provide COVID Secure Training for meetings and events

HBAA is partnering with Brightspace Events to provide COVID Secure training in preparation for the resumption of live events and to support hybrid and virtual business. The overall objective of the training is to drive customer confidence through increased knowledge and guidance.

The training is designed for the staff of both agencies and venues, particularly for sales and operations teams, with content tailored specifically for the audience. At the request of HBAA, a lighter version has also been developed for corporate event planners and for the sales teams of agencies and venues.

The content, which is packed full of practical advice, has been designed and structured to be applied to live, hybrid and virtual events. Modules will cover current scientific knowledge, risk assessments and mental health and will include case studies, practical activities and assignments. The course structure will include approximately one hour of online training, a four-hour live session and a two-hour practical assignment which will be assessed by the trainer.

A major benefit of this training is that it is valid for 12 months; delegates have ongoing access to the training portal where they can view and receive updated guidance when changes are issued by the government.

The online training is ready and participants can register now, and the dates for the live sessions and practical assignments will be confirmed to match availability as soon as each group of learners are ready. HBAA members will receive a 30 per cent discount.

Brightspace Events was founded by Sarah Threlfall, a highly experienced events consultant and trainer and former Head of Operations (Events) at P&MM Events and Zibrant LIVE! who will be the course trainer. Sarah has successfully completed training from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and is awaiting exam results for the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health.

Sarah Threlfall said: “It’s very exciting to be working with HBAA which is playing such a vital role in the recovery of our wonderful industry.

“This is a huge confidence boost and I can’t wait to get started with the training – we’ve already seen our first few graduates this week and have lots more bookings so it’s going to be a busy February!

“Together we want to spark confident conversations around live meetings and events so that, as soon as restrictions change, the industry makes a fast start.”

Juliet Price, Consultant Executive Director of HBAA explained; “This training is aligned to three of HBAA’s new pillars – Resilience, Ethics and Quality – and HBAA’s 2021 vision.

“This is an important and valuable member benefit as it is vital that organisations are ready to deliver live meetings and events safely when lockdown eases, giving customers confidence in the protocols and practices that have been developed in line with Covid-19 requirements. We hope our members, their customers and others across the industry for whom this knowledge is key, will register and are trained very soon; it’s a great step towards business recovery.”



HBAA is the trade association for the Meetings, Events and Accommodation industry.

Driven by leaders, united by collaboration and representing £70bn* spend into the UK economy. Spearheading representation to government and policy makers, elevating a sector voice, championing change and sustainable economic health.

Underpinned by four pillars: Resilience, Innovation, Ethics and Quality.

HBAA drives, promotes and models good business between its members. It champions best practice, ethical working and sound commercial judgement, making HBAA membership the mark of quality assurance for the sector.


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*Source: BVEP: The UK Events Report 2020