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BVEP Newsletter July 2015

The 'UK Conference and Meeting Survey', now in its 22nd consecutive year, has a specific focus on the value and volume of the market and the performance of meeting venues. It also highlights key market trends identified by venues. The results provide a definitive insight into the business events sector and are widely used to inform investment, advocacy and marketing activities.

The research was carried out by Tony Rogers of Tony Rogers Conference & Event Services and Richard Smith of RJS Associates.

Copies of the full UKCAMS 2015 report are available priced £145 + VAT. Visit to download an order form.

For further information: contact Tony Rogers tel: +44 7887 596727 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

File Name: BVEP_Newsletters/bvep july newsletter final.pdf
File Size: 248.88 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 1300 Hits
Created Date: 16-07-2015
Last Updated Date: 22-02-2025