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BTA Submission to the Global Travel Taskforce 25 Mar 2021

On behalf of the tourism industry, VisitBritain have sent a paper to the Cabinet Office detailing how government can help the tourism industry recover from COVID-19.

The paper is a result of a rapid and extensive consultation we conducted across the sector with major industry players who were instrumental in the design of the Tourism Sector Deal, including representatives of Destination Management Organisations (DMOs), businesses, trade bodies and more. VisitBritain are grateful for the time taken by everyone to share their thoughts and in many cases their own research with us.

After setting out the impact so far and their current economic modelling on the likely impact of continued lockdown or social distancing, this paper proposes actions and recommendations for government across four workstreams: Timelines; People; Regulation; and Long term future.

File Name: press_releases/The Business Travel Association submission to the Global Travel Taskforce 25 Mar 2021.pdf
File Size: 2.85 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 530 Hits
Created Date: 26-03-2021
Last Updated Date: 18-10-2024