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BVEP Visit to Leeds

The new Crowded Places guidance for the UK has been written by NaCTSO with the support of The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) and over 100 subject matter and academic experts. It covers the key areas of protective security including physical, personnel, personal and cyber. It provides guidance on how different sectors can act to help make their business, institutions or organisations safer. Its purpose to support those who are charged with security at crowded places mitigate the threat and help make the UK less vulnerable to an attack. The guidance is interactive and designed to assist crowded place sectors assess the risk and build a security plan to help mitigate that risk and recover more quickly should there be a terrorist attack. 


File Name: press_releases/170627 - BVEP visit to Leeds June 2017.pdf
File Size: 50.99 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 687 Hits
Created Date: 27-06-2017
Last Updated Date: 18-10-2024