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Expert article/Magazine feature

VisitBritain sponsored a question for the Office for National Statistics' International Passenger Survey 2014. The results provide the study into international visitors coming to Britain to watch football, the main source markets, spend by visitors
Examines issues surrounding the supply chain for mega events within the UK events industry and suggests where improvements can be made for the staging of future mega events, especially in demand-side forecasting, the creation of government and industry partnerships, communications within the supply chain and with staff. It also describes the myriad positive outcomes as the 2012 Games legacy dividend
Survey of trends in the incentive travel market based on interviews with 40 incentive travel agencies.
An article on trends and characteristics in the different types of inbound business visitor to Britain in 2010, and another looking at the extent to which different types of inbound visitor use either a mobile phone or laptop computer during their visit to Britain
An article focusing on the business tourism sector, showcasing the very latest inbound and domestic figures, and a look ahead to some of the challenges and opportunities facing this sector