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SASIE Size and Scale Index For Exhibitions 2023 Report

Summary of research content/aims: The Events Industry Alliance (EIA) ‚Äì the collective associations of AEO, AEV and ESSA, has published the eighth Size and Scale Index for Exhibitions (SASIE) report. The total number of event days and total gross space sold has increased since 2022 and is now broadly on a par with pre-Covid figures. However, average duration and average gross and net size of exhibitions were slightly down on the previous year.
Marija Erzen, co-owner, Solutions2, ESSA chair and current EIA chair, commented,
“The report provides vitally important market insight for our industry and includes cumulative comparative data from 2015.”
Author(s) (if known): RJS Associates and Tony Rogers Conference & Event Services
Year published: 2024
Published by: Events Industry Alliance
Publisher location (city or country): United Kingdom
Limitations for access: Open access
Cost to access?: No
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 111 Hits
Created Date: 15-04-2024
Last Updated Date: 18-10-2024