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The State of the UK Ticketing Industry 2013: Analysing the trend towards direct, online ticket buying

Ticketing and the broader events industry is undergoing dramatic change at the hands of internet and mobile technology. To see what this means in reality, ticketscript have conducted a survey of 1,000 people who bought a ticket to an event in the past six months. The results are compiled in an exclusive ticketscript report published in November 2013. The report uncovers the truth about how ticket buyers think and behave today. A must-read for any event professional, the survey reveals paradigm-shifting statistics related to fundamental issues in ticketing. More information here.

File Name: research_industry/the state of the ticketing industry 2013.pdf
File Size: 3.2 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 8711 Hits
Created Date: 03-12-2013
Last Updated Date: 18-10-2024