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Volcanic Ash - The Impact on the Meetings Industry

In the wake of the six day ban on air travel over the UK and much of Europe, the MIA has conducted a survey of its members on their response to the European airspace disruptions caused by the volcanic ash cloud and whether their businesses were affected in a positive or negative way.

The survey was completed by 126 individuals representing a mix of various different venue types from hotels to conference centres, sporting venues to academic venues and private members clubs from locations all over the UK. 68.5% of respondents had achieved the AIM accreditation, against 31.5% that had not.

This is available to MIA Members and non members free of charge.

File Name: Volcanic Ash - The Impact on the Meetings Industry
File Type: application/octet-stream
Hits: 30 Hits
Created Date: 05-03-2013
Last Updated Date: 18-10-2024