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Press Releases


Earlier in 2013, VE commissioned Trajectory, a leading insight and futures consultancy, to help them identify the trends that will influence domestic tourism over the coming years, drawing on their own research and the views of industry experts. This report (published in December 2013) sumarises the trens identified and presents them in five groups - demographic, economic, technilogical, consumer and torusim-related.

The UK Economic Impact Study presents a milestone in the history of the UK meeting industry, calculating for the first time the sector's value to the UK economy. It is, to date, the most comprehensive assessment of the economic impact of the industry on the British economy.

Here is an excerpt of the Final Report (23 pgs.) available to download by clicking on the right button: More than 1.3 million meetings were held in the UK in 2011 in more than 10,000 venues. Attendees spent just under £40 billion attending UK meetings, and most meetings took place in London, the South East and the West Midlands. After England, Scotland took the lead in hosting the largest number of meetings. Whilst large hotels hosted most meetings, unusual and unique venues proved popular for conference organisers, and small hotels more popular for incentive events. Corporate clients hosted the vast majority of events, with many (more than 60%) favouring smaller meetings of less than 100 people. Meeting organisers staged on average 147 events in the year and received £11 billion from hosting meetings in the UK and £1.4 billion from hosting meetings outside the UK.

The profile summary and Frequently Asked Questions are avaiable here.

The UK Economic Impact Study presents a milestone in the history of the UK meeting industry, calculating for the first time the sector's value to the UK economy. It is, to date, the most comprehensive assessment of the economic impact of the industry on the British economy.

Here is an excerpt of the Final Report (23 pgs.) available to download by clicking on the right button: More than 1.3 million meetings were held in the UK in 2011 in more than 10,000 venues. Attendees spent just under £40 billion attending UK meetings, and most meetings took place in London, the South East and the West Midlands. After England, Scotland took the lead in hosting the largest number of meetings. Whilst large hotels hosted most meetings, unusual and unique venues proved popular for conference organisers, and small hotels more popular for incentive events. Corporate clients hosted the vast majority of events, with many (more than 60%) favouring smaller meetings of less than 100 people. Meeting organisers staged on average 147 events in the year and received £11 billion from hosting meetings in the UK and £1.4 billion from hosting meetings outside the UK.

The profile summary and Frequently Asked Questions are avaiable here.

A report on the size and value of Britain's events industry, its characteristics, trends, opportunities and key issues - Executive Summary.

APPG UK Events Industry Inquiry
 58.95 KB

The London ICC Commission's final report has now been published.