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Industry Research


Valuing Live Entertainment
 4 KB

This report, authored by Media Insight Consulting, uses several available datasets to establish the value and employment levels of live entertainment in the UK.

Cities Restart Report
 6.67 MB

This report, published on 9th September 2021 by Cities Restart, focus on the importance of Restarting International Conferences and Business Events to City Economies. 

Northstar PULSE Survey July 2021
 1.09 MB

The Future of Meetings and Events in the era of COVID-10 - Pulse Survey data released on 9th July 2021 by NORTHSTAR Meeting Group.

Published in May 2020, the report provides an in-depth examination into the ?70bn industry, providing jobs for 700,000 people and how it will deliver the Government?s Industrial Strategy, which was launched last year.

MIA Social Distancing Survey
 803.67 KB

Social Distancing Survey released by MIA on 1 May 2020.