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Industry Research


A Report into the Prospects for the Evnets Industry Supply Chain during the COVID-19 Industry Shutdown - Published on 9th April 2020 by EIF/BVEP. 

Foresight Issue 172 'Understanding Business Visits' has been published by Visit Britain.

New research, carried out by Bournemouth University for the Events Industry Forum, has revealed that outdoor events have been much undervalued for the contribution they make to the UK economy, both locally and nationally, with a Gross Value of over £30 billion and providing employment for some 589,000 people.

The research, funded by sales of the Purple Guide, is thought to be the first comprehensive study of the market to be undertaken.

(Published Octobet 2019)

New research, carried out by Bournemouth University for the Events Industry Forum, has revealed that outdoor events have been much undervalued for the contribution they make to the UK economy, both locally and nationally, with a Gross Value of over £30 billion and providing employment for some 589,000 people.

The research, funded by sales of the Purple Guide, is thought to be the first comprehensive study of the market to be undertaken.

(Published Octobet 2019)

Globex 2019

The 11th edition of Globex – the global exhibition organising market: assessment and forecast to 2023 – reveals a positive five-year outlook for the global exhibitions industry. This positive forecast comes despite recent macroeconomic turmoil.

Globex is published by AMR International annually. It provides in-depth trends analysis, granular volume and price data, plus 5-year forecasts on 20* mature and emerging countries, helping organisers to plan their growth strategies.