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Industry Research


Expedia Group‚Ñ¢ Media Solutions has released a study 'Unpacking Bleisure Traveler Trends' on bleisure travellers in China, Germany, India, UK and the US which reveals the influences, preferences, priorities, resources, financial factors and more of these travelers.

This report examines the needs of the millennial generation in terms of face-to-face interactions and meetings, the importance of networking and education, the rise and application of technologies in the conference sector, and key strategies to engage millennial delegates.
This report provides case studies on how midsize cities in the meetings industry around the world are levering their local economies to elevate their destination brands and increase their market share.
This report, published annually, summarises trends in meetings spend and size, providing year on year comparisons, with data supplied mainly be HBAA agency and venue members. It also provides information on the volume of meetings business placed around Britain.
This report analyses the economic impact of meetings to the US economy in terms of direct spending in 2016.