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White Paper

The objective of these guidelines is to provide international associations with a document which will: assist national organisations in making the decision whether to invite the related international association to hold a congress in their country; establish a checklist of the organisational tasks in holding the event; ensure effective communication and understanding; ensure continuity of traditions and ambience for the congress; indicate some of the benefits from working with a PCO.

These guidelines cover the development and management of poster presentation sessions at an international or national congress. IAPCO recommends that they are read in conjunction with their other publication 'Guidelines for the International Scientific Programme Committee'.

This document covers the content for inclusion in a Request for Proposal when asking PCO companies to tender for the organisation of a congress. It is recommended that it is read in conjunction with the IAPCO publication 'How to Choose the Right PCO'. It covers the timeframe, history of the congress, expected attendance, congress format, accompanying persons' programme and pre- and post-congress tours, et al. There are separate documents covering: a) international meetings b) national meetings

Planning a Conference Centre
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This white paper provides a PCO perspective on the design and development of an international conference centre. It provides detailed explanations of terminology and definitions, and design and usage criteria important for the success of the venue.

This white paper is designed to assist the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee for an international congress. in the host country. It assumes that the country has already been selected, but not necessarily the venue. It covers the need to define objectives for the event, event management, venue selection, securing hotels, budgets, the scientific/technical programme, logistics, timetable.