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White Paper

This document provides guidelines to assist the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee in the host country for a congress. It assumes that the country has already been selected but not necessarily the venue. It covers: definitions and objectives; the roles and responsibilities of the international and national committees; the appointment of a PCO; creation of an industry advisory board, venue selection, booking of hotels; budgets; the scientific programme, et al.

How to Choose the Right PCO
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This white paper is designed to assist in the appointment of a Professional Congress Organiser (PCO) for the management of a conference/convention/congress or a series of such events. It describes the PCO's role, whether a PCO is needed, and details selection and recruitment procedures.

How to Choose a Core PCO
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This white paper contains guidelines for appointing a Core Professional Congress Organiser (PCO) for the management of a series of conferences, congresses or meetings. It defines the role of a Core PCO, describes the benefits of such, and outlines the procedures for selecting and appointing a Core PCO.

This white paper compares meetings spend by British companies, concluding that such spend is increasing on face-to-face and virtual meetings. It examines the benefits from converging travel and meetings management.

The Business of Storytelling
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This paper explains how the rise of the international knowledge economy and the influx of digitally expert millennials into the industry have changed the way corporate meeting planners evaluate destinations, and how content marketing provides a prime opportunity to target and build relationships with these specific event organisers.