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Industry Research

This in-depth report is the result of five years of research and seeks to identify the critical factors for the success of European meeting venues with a capacity of at least 2,000 (in plenary session, in a theatre set-up) in the main hall, covering 34 countries in Western and Eastern Europe and in the Mediterranean rim.
The study looks at megatrends affecting society and how these may impact the meetings, conventions and incentives sector up to 2030. Such trends include: globalisation and internationalisation, shortage of resources, urbanisation, demographic change / feminisation / diversity, technology in work and life, sustainable development, mobility in the future, safety

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MeetingsMetrix provides a market view of brand performance in the Meetings & Events sector, combining primary research with BDRC Continental?s proprietary data to produce a series of outputs aimed to help you improve your business. Topics covered include; Brand Performance Awareness Usage Suitability Preference Brand perception The Booker Journey Demand drivers Information sources RFP channels Role of site visits Decision factors Dynamics of the Market Future demand overview Quoted rate analysis Usage and event types Emerging opportunities

Member Finance Survey 2015
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This survey gathers information from ECM member cities on how city tourist offices and convention bureaux are funded. It also highlights trends and issues

Sporting attendances in 2015
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This information is in the form of a news release issued by Deloitte, and is supported by a separate 'infographic'. It summarises attendances at UK professional sports events in 2015 and includes a table showing the top 10 attended annual sporting events.