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Industry Research

Majority of attendees do not celebrate or recognize St Andrew's Day. Majority of attendees do not stay in hotels or other commercial accommodation.

Destination NEXT
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This is the first phase of a 3-phase study seeking to highlight best practices in destination marketing organisation strategy in the 21st century. The initial results are based on responses from 327 DMOs worldwide. The Phase 1 study research identified three transformational opportunities for DMOs: interacting with and leveraging the new marketplace; growing and sustaining the destination brand; evaluating and evolving the DMO business model
Volume, value and key trends data for the UK conference and meetings sector from a supply-side (i.e. venue perspective).
This report is based on a global survey conducted in December 2015 and aims to provide an up-to-date assessment of the development of, and outlook for, the global exhibition industry. It provides data by world region and also for a number of specific countries

The Value of Expertise
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This research examines four themes: the need for expertise on the part of event bookers; the need for companies and organisations to respect off-site training and its demands on delegates; connectivity with free and fast Wi-Fi in venues; price factors including hidden extras appearing on venue invoices to clients.